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- Wrinkles and deep lines in eyelid skin
- Puffiness in the upper or lower eyelids
- Excess skin folds in the upper eyelids
- Local anesthetic and sedation
- 1.5- 2.5 hrs
- In the upper eyelid, through an incision hidden within the upper lid fold, excess skin, stretched muscle, and protruding fat are removed
- In the lower eyelid, protruding fat is removed through an external incision placed just below the eyelashes. Sagging skin and muscle is trimmed and tightened to re-suspend and support the lower eyelid
- Swelling and bruising of the eyelids peak at 2 days after surgery and rapidly resolve over the next 2 weeks
- Temporary discomfort, tightness of the eyelids, burning and itching, excessive tearing and sensitivity to light are common in the first few weeks
- Patients are able to read or watch television after 2-3 days
- Return to work after 10 days, but no strenuous activity for 3 weeks
- Contact lenses cannot be worn for 2 weeks
- Subtle swelling may persist for up to 6 months
- Provides a smoothing of eyelid skin which lasts for years
- The fat removal is permanent
- Infection, hematoma, scarring
- Residual asymmetry in eyelid shape
- Visual disturbances, including blindness (extremely rare)
- Difficulty in closing the eyes completely (extremely rare and may require revisional surgery)
- Drying of the eyes or tearing